Self-Protection vs Self-Defense

Redefining Contactless Self-Protection in a Crazy World

Hard at work

Why Choose

So you’re probably asking yourself. What does Contactless Self-Protection even mean and why should I care? It’s a fair question.

Stay with me here: If you were to do a google search right now there is VERY little about self-protection. We get it. In fact if you type in contactless self-protection right now, information about how to protect your wallet comes up. It’s not bad information, but that does not help me if I’m a going from my Dorm to the library and on my my back when it’s dark and now somebody approaches me. Nobody is talking about self-protection as a way to keep YOURSELF safe but we’re talking about how to protect your wallet, so I had no choice but to create it.

Self-Protection vs. Self-Defense: Key Differences and Insights.

Self-Protection: A Proactive Approach

Self-Defense: A Reactive Strategy

Remember math class? + -

We learned about IF and THEN statements.

Self protection is….
moving your body proactively from a position of disadvantage to a position of advantage quickly, without physical contact.