Teens & College Students

Contactless Self-Protection for Teens and College Students

self protection course for women

Teens & College Students Contactless Self-Protection

Contactless Self-Protection for Teens and College Students

We live in an upside-down world where learning self-defense AND your children learning how to defend themselves is essential.  It is no longer an option. Nationwide, 81% of women and 43% of men report experiencing some form of harassment or assault in their lifetime.

Most people are familiar with Fight or Flight,

So I teach a program called "Fight, Flight, or Freeze:
Build Your Kids' Confidence Against Bad Guys and Bullies.

While many know ‘fight-or-flight,’ few recognize the more dangerous third option: FREEZE. After a 2022 nightclub shooting, News6Orlando invited me to share self-defense tips. Highlighting the freeze response created a surge in demand, leading to partnerships with Orlando Mom Collective, YouFit Gyms, and Florida Blue Greater Orlando.

I've developed a groundbreaking course

Go Home Safe: Contactless Self-Protection for Teens and College Students

It’s a game-changer in teen and college safety.

In this course, you’ll discover:

Why this course for Teens and College Students?

This course works for everyone, but we’ve specifically designed it for teens and college students because we’ve been in your shoes. When Tyler the Founder/Owner was a teenager, he was bullied for being the “skinny kid.” Even his older siblings called me “Stick.” He hated that name because it made him feel small and weak. Looking back, he realizes that avoiding eye contact, keeping my head down, and not speaking up for himself made him an easy target.

Why we created this course?

Orlando self protection course


Self protection course for teens and college students

Bad guys avoid attracting attention. Bad guys don’t want a fight.

Bad guys avoid attracting attention and don’t want a fight. Watching abduction videos, I saw that making noise and fighting back often helped children escape. Our course ingrains these reactions, fostering quick, confident responses in emergencies.

Child sex trafficking is a heinous crime and is prevalent in Orlando. Having worked with survivors, I know the urgency of immediate, proactive action. With the cost of rape estimated at $122,461 per victim, empowering our teens and college students to stay safe can be crucial. Our course can be the safety net.

Contactless Self-Protection for Teens and College Students

This program, available from the comfort of your home or dorm, empowers your child to ACT quickly when approached by strangers. Equip them with vital self-protection skills they need now, all for an affordable price! Yes, I am ready for the course click here 

Connect With Us

This course works for everyone, but we’ve specifically designed it for teens and college students because we’ve been in your shoes. When Tyler the Founder/Owner was a teenager, he was bullied for being the “skinny kid.” Even his older siblings called me “Stick.” He hated that name because it made him feel small and weak. Looking back, he realizes that avoiding eye contact, keeping my head down, and not speaking up for himself made him an easy target.

That’s why Tyler created this course—to help you break free from being an easy target, being proactive rather than reactive, AND so your parents can sleep at night knowing you’re safe. Contactless self-protection starts with your body language in public. By holding your head up, making eye contact, speaking up, and walking confidently, you can transform how the world sees you and how you see yourself. Tyler has helped thousands of people one-on-one and in groups, and now he’s bringing what he’s learned to you so more teens and college students can live a life free of fear and parents can rest easy knowing their children are safe.

I can’t wait to see you and your kids’ confidence skyrocket through this course.

This course teaches contactless self-protection—no one gets hurt, and
you stay safe.

self protection class training

Already have martial arts experience or taken our course?

You’re ready for SELF-DEFENSE training.